Wednesday, September 30, 2009


yes; september. or should i say october. we are just 1 day away from it.

here i am finally getting back to updating.

i'm not quite sure of my absence. well, let's just say i can't remember all the "to-dos" on my list over the last nine months. :) expecting your second child with a full-time job, a two-year old and much more leaves me with little free time to explore. but i'm taking it slow now just waiting for #2 to arrive. #1 is still at daycare and i am home taking a break from work. i thought i might be a little bored, but NO way! i'm enjoying my leave. i need some much-needed rest from work and some time to myself. who knows how long this will last (maybe another week?). but here are a few things on my list:

- watch a movie!
- read: my fav blogs, a new book, and relaxation techniques during labor
- bake cupcakes for a welcome celebration for the new baby (really, for #1)
- knit a baby hate
- have lunch with great friends
- spend a night-out (alone) with my wonderful husband
- pick tiles for our new bathroom and countertopes for the new kitchen
- take naps

i hope to be reporting back with a birth story and a baby picture soon.

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