Monday, March 13, 2006

what's wrong with blogger today? i did two posts earlier today and they're gone! what happened? did i do something to deserve this? and what's more is they were actually knitting posts! which is what i'm supposed to be writing about all the time...but don't do enough. while i am always knitting, reading about knitting, buying yarn or just playing with the large yarn stash i's seems i rarely post something on my blog about it...why? new rule: must knitblog once a week.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


as most fans out there, i have been patiently awaiting the last season of the sopranos. tonight is the night. i hope to be on the edge of my seat from 9pm to 10pm.

after that, i will begin reading
a great find from the goodwill this morning after a great brunch here.